About Our Speakers
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Greetings and welcome to our Speakers Page! We are delighted to present the exceptional lineup of speakers for the 2024 Canadian Critical Incident Stress Congress. Get ready to be inspired by a group of remarkable, knowledgeable, and dynamic individuals who will be sharing their expertise and insights with you.

Our Story
The Canadian Critical Incident Stress Foundation is devoted to inspiring change by providing relevant and current discussions on mental health within the first responder community. Our focus extends to delivering the latest insights into mitigating approaches for Post-Traumatic Stress, fostering an environment of continuous learning and encouraging transformative shifts to promote positive change.
Meet Our Speakers

Kevin Rempel
The Hero Mindset: How to Empower Yourself and Others in Supporting Wellbeing
Kevin Rempel is a 2014 Paralympic bronze medalist in sledge hockey. After being paralyzed at the age of 23, Kevin not only learned how to walk again, but overcome the mental battle of both depression and living with a disability to rebuild his life, and eventually reach the Paralympic podium in sledge hockey. Kevin is an expert in change management, mental health, and resilience, delivering his inspirational message about adopting The Hero Mindset, where you focus on small things that make a big difference to help you too, become a hero in your own story. In addition to corporate presentations, Kevin is also a business coach for athletes and leaders using strategies from The Hero Mindset Blueprint to help build confidence, adopt healthy and predictable patterns, and accept radical responsibility in cultivating a confident and empowered mindset to drive results and embrace change.

Documentary - Panel Discussion
Post Traumatic Growth- Broadening our Collective Conversation about PTSD & PTG
Come alongside us as we delve into the realm of Post Trauma Growth (PTG) and offer a sneak peek into a documentary dedicated to this transformative journey. Engage in insightful panel discussions featuring seasoned experts in the field, including retired military personnel with firsthand experience, healthcare providers, and PTG specialists.

John Robertson
Finishing Well - Reframing Leadership from Surviving to Thriving
Inspired and driven by his values, John acts as a facilitator for his clients as they test, discover, and expand what they can do. He uses tactical, and strategic, processes to help them achieve demonstrable, solution-focused results. Remaining faithful to his passion and values, John invests himself without reservation providing spirit-filled, insightful guidance that his clients use to amplify their lives and their businesses. John truly provides “leadership that people can follow through storms.” As a workforce wellness and culture alignment specialist, John works with progressive [forward-thinking] leadership to Transform their Traditional Crisis Response to; • Creating the culture where people want to work • Developing the leadership people trust, and want to follow • Preparing People to know how to thrive, not just be resilient This is done through the values-anchored Run towards the Roar Ethos, after all, business works when people thrive!

Sarah Routhier
Don't Forget Your Roots: The Personal Tragedy of OPP Sgt. Sylvain Routhier
Sarah is a small business owner, an author, a mental health advocate, and a busy mom. She is the widow of OPP Sergeant Sylvain Routhier, who passed away by suicide in July 2018. She is the Founder and President of the Sylvain Routhier Memorial Foundation which through its fundraising events has raised over $50,000 for first responder scholarships. She also sits on many committees including the OPP's Healthy Workplace Advisory Group and was recently nominated for an Ontario Premier Award. Sarah is honoured to be able to share her personal story so she can raise awareness about suicide and mental health illnesses in first responders. Her goal is to prevent this tragedy from occurring to other families and to make change within first responder organizations.

Brian Fernandes
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy for Veterans and First Responders
Brian is a Registered Social Worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers and has spent his career working to improve the lives of some of the most marginalized communities in and around the Greater Toronto Area. For the past 3 years, Brian has been involved in providing Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy to individuals struggling with Treatment-Resistant Depression and post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Brian has done extensive work with Canadian Veterans, which has been written about in "The Ketamine Breakthrough" by Dr. Mike Dow and Ronan Levy. Brian also served 5 years as an Infantry Officer in the Canadian Army Reserve.

Amy Carter
Transcending personal tragedy in to a source of purpose, resilience, inspiration and growth
Amy is currently a constable with the Kingston City Police having completed over 25 years as a first responder. Amy spent 14 years as a front line officer and numerous years within Special Services and the Criminal Investigative Division. However after the unexpected loss of her husband Stephen, a Sergeant with Kingston City Police, Amy has expanded her focus in sharing a series of unique and unexpected personal tragedies of domestic violence, cancer and the loss of a spouse. Amy is honored to share with you this roller coaster of a ride, from utter loss and despair to how she confronted and transcended personal tragedy in to a source of purpose, resilience inspiration and growth. Through tears, smiles and laughs, Amy hopes sharing important life discoveries that we can learn to see that trauma and tragedy does not have to be the end of the story, but just the beginning.

Jeff Depatie
The Potential Benefits of Cannabis use for Military & First Responders Experiencing PTSD
Jeff Depatie is a former JTF2 Combat Sniper and is currently the Chief Course Architect of The Special Forces Experience. As a former tier 1 special forces soldier, Depatie has refocused his form of service to dedicate his life to exploring the problem of PTSD and how we can turn life’s adversities into opportunities for new life and personal growth. What’s braver than risking your life for man and country? Diving into your inner world ready to face it head-on. To heal and expand yourself will affect multiple generations after us. It’s the long-term solution to our world’s greatest problems.

Jeff Depatie
The Potential Benefits of Cannabis use for Military & First Responders Experiencing PTSD
Jeff Depatie is a former JTF2 Combat Sniper and is currently the Chief Course Architect of The Special Forces Experience. As a former tier 1 special forces soldier, Depatie has refocused his form of service to dedicate his life to exploring the problem of PTSD and how we can turn life’s adversities into opportunities for new life and personal growth. What’s braver than risking your life for man and country? Diving into your inner world ready to face it head-on. To heal and expand yourself will affect multiple generations after us. It’s the long-term solution to our world’s greatest problems.
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