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2024 Call for Speakers is now open!!

 The CCISF invites all submissions for keynote addresses or workshop opportunities for the 2024 Canadian Critical Incident Stress Congress. All submissions will be reviewed by a peer review committee for quality, relevance, and content. Structured abstracts of 250 words or less are required for each submission and are to be completed as part of the attached form below.

Abstracts must be submitted by completing the following form.


Due to the overwhelming number of requests we have received, we are pleased to announce an extension of the deadline for submissions. The new deadline is now January 2, 2024.


Keynote addresses are approximately one hour in length including Q & A’s, to an in-person audience of 200+.  Workshop sessions are approximately one hour and 20 minutes in length, including Q & A’s to smaller audiences.


Please Note: These times are approximate, and will be confirmed once the final conference schedule is complete.


Please complete the following form, including topic title and description.

Phone Number


Email Address


Brief Bio*


Topic Description

Type of presentation

Select an option

Compensation Expectation

Length of Presentation

Thanks for submitting!

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