EHN Canada (Edgewood Health Network)
EHN Canada (Edgewood Health Network)
EHN Canada is the nation’s largest network of industry-leading mental health, trauma, and addiction treatment facilities, each with a passion for providing quality treatment for Canadians. We are committed to both caring for our patients and supporting their loved ones. With over 100 years of collective experience, our inpatient, outpatient, and online programs are offered across the country, providing essential compassionate care to patients wherever they are.
To find out more, please click on the "Learn More" button below, or reach out to EHN Canada's referral relations team at: referrals@ehncanada.com.
Our Team
Our Team

Colette Currin
Colette Currin
National Director of Business Development - Military, Veterans, and First Responders, EHN Canada
Colette Currin is a Counsellor working with those affected by mental health and addiction disorders, whether Inpatient, Outpatient, In-person or online, either individually or in groups. Her enthusiasm for the Recovery process in centered in her own personal journey over the past 27 years in sobriety. Colette also serves as the National Director of Business Development for Military, Veterans and First Responders where the calling to serve others can sometimes injure the self. Family units, no matter how diverse and beautiful, bear the brunt of any individual disorder. They also offer the most transformative potential to alchemize pain into collective growth, providing a healing power that is far greater than the sum of its parts.
Colette Currin can be contacted at CCurrin@ehncanada.com.

Jessica Stapleton
Jessica Stapleton
Business Relations Manager, EHN Canada
Jessica Stapleton can be contacted at JStapleton@ehncanada.com.

Lisa Stockton
Lisa Stockton
Referent Relations Manager, EHN Canada
Ms. Stockton coordinates with referral partners to ensure a smooth transition and experience throughout patient treatment. She has a long history with EHN Canada’s Edgewood facility in Nanaimo, BC, boasting more than 18 years in various roles, which has allowed her to work closely with patients, professionals, and families. Aside from continuing to enhance career skills through education, Ms. Stockton is an active member at the local level with BC Community Living and 100 Women Who Care.
Lisa Stockton can be contacted at lisa.stockton@edgewood.ca.